
Everyone has different view points on things. Some enjoy NYC and others learn from it. For example, a man who went to visit NYC, said “The local people love to help when you are lost” (Steve M). In conclusion, citizens must be very welcoming of tourists.

Although a person who had been living in NYC and not visiting said, “Whenever you are already running late, expect the subway to make it a whole lot worse. Always plan for the worst-case scenario” (Paul Hudson). With such a large population it is expected that the transportation will be pretty slow and hard to find. Therefore, plan early and have a back-up plan for unexpected situations, is the best advise that is given.

A man living in NYC can surely say he has learned something from living there. He said that “everyone is looking out for themselves first. If someone feels that they can benefit from you and can somehow justify doing so, then they will” (Paul Hudson). It can be said that people can be nice to a certain extent but once you’re with them long enough they take advantage of you.

A long term experience can change one’s opinion a lot. That is why the people with a longer experience in New York City had a more pessimistic and very forward interpretation on the people in NYC. On the other hand, the male tourist considered the New-yorker’s welcoming because he hadn’t been there for a long time. Transportation can be described better by a citizen of NYC because they deal with it every-day.

NYC was where “American modern dance developed in New York in the early 20th century. The city was the top venue for jazz in the 1940’s,expressionism in the 1950’s, and the home of hip hop, punk rock, and the Beat Generation” (Interview Magazine). Who wouldn’t love a city with such an awesome history?!